My Book - Wood Duck Adventures

I'm very excited to announce the release of my book "Wood Duck Adventures" - it is available from the author, F. Eugene Hester - ( and can be signed, personalized and mailed for $20. It is also available from Five Valleys Press and other major book dealers.

The wood duck is our most beautiful of all waterfowl, and for fifty years F. Eugene Hester observed and recorded their exciting lives. He and his companions erected wood duck nest boxes and observed nesting activities. By banding the ducks and applying web tags to ducklings, they gained interesting and unexpected insight into the lives of these ducks. Excellent photography enhance the observations.


  1. Gene, I received your book as a gift and enjoyed reading it thoroughly. My kids are reading it currently and the pictures and content were just great. I will be ordering another one for you to sign for my son. Good luck and see you soon.

  2. Congratulations on a life full of meaningful accomplishments... and thank you!
